en xifres


escoles de primària i secundària de


països europeus estan implementant la metodologia 50/50


alumnes i


mestres es comprometen a unir esforços per estalviar almenys el


de l'energia consumida a les seves escoles


Municipis europeus utilitzen els materials i eines educatives del 50/50


d'ells van participar en les sessions de capacitació


municipis estenen l'acció 50/50 a altres edificis públics


estratègies locals i


estratègies educatives inclouen el concepte 50/50


Iniciatives a nivell de la UE donen suport a la Xarxa 50/50


observadors segueixen regularment el projecte i les seves activitats


contactes amb autoritats locals, regionals i nacionals per incloure el concepte 50/50 a les seves estratègies


persones han participat en els esdeveniments de promoció i difusió del 50/50

Educational guidebook for caretakersOur new guidebook entitled “How to handle the energy team” contains many useful tips how to organise energy tour around the school building and to help children analyze energy situation of their school. The publication is addressed to school caretakers who play very important role in the 50/50 project. As they best know the building, its energy system and appliances in use, they can help students find out how and where energy is used at school, as well as support them in implementation of energy-saving measures.

In the publication the caretakers will find guidelines how to organise the work with the energy team, how to prepare energy review of the school building, how to communicate with children and how to thoroughly discuss all energy sources used at school and necessary to its normal operation. The guidebook will also help caretakers to prepare for the possible questions raised by the pupils.

Although the guidebook is addressed to caretakers, also the teachers involved in the 50/50 project are invited to read the document. They will find here many useful information which they can use during their work with children, including information about model, low-cost energy-saving measures and modern technological solutions for clean and efficient energy production. It is worth to discuss them with students to increase their knowledge about energy production and consumption, however it should be remembered that bigger energy-related investment are not included in the EURONET 50/50 MAX project.