in Zahlen


Volks- und Mittelschulen aus


Europäischen Ländern setzen die 50/50-Merthode um

98 891

SchülerInnen und

7 038

Lehrkräfte bemühen sich in ihren Schulen


der Energie einzusparen


Europäische Städte und Gemeinden nutzen die 50/50-Tools,


nahmen an einer unserer Weiterbildungen teil


Gemeinden weiteten die Anwendung von 50/50 auf andere Gebäude aus


lokale Energiekonzepte und


Bildungspläne beinhalten die 50/50-Methode


Initiativen auf EU-Ebene unterstützen das 50/50-Netzwerk


Projektbeobachter verfolgen das Projekt und seine Fortschritte


lokale, regionale und nationale Regierungenwurden kontaktiert, um das 50/50-Konzept in ihre Aktionspläne aufzunehmen


Personen nahmen an 50/50-Veranstaltungen teil

Implementation of the 50/50 methodology in Cypriot schools is well in progress. At the end of the last school year - during April and May 2015 - meetings were arranged with 9 primary schools participating in the project. During the meetings the participants were given a comprehensive briefing on the project development and on the responsibilities of the school and the energy team. They also received so called "EURONET 50/50 MAX boxes" containing guidebooks ("Energy saving at school" and "50/50 step by step"), a set of measuring devices, caps and t-shirts with project logo, educational booklet with lesson scenarios and other educational materials (board game, stickers and posters with energy saving tips).

In total 40 teachers and 136 students are directly involved in the project, while more than 1900 are involved indirectly. Dedicated meetings were attended by the headmaster, the teachers coordinating the work of the energy team and - in some cases - also the students participating in the team. CEA\'s staff explained the attendants how to implement the 50/50 methodology step by step, how to use presented measuring devices, as well as went through the educational booklet and the lesson scenarios in order for the teachers to feel comfortable with them. Before the meetings, the schools were also asked to gather and provide electricity and heating bills, which will be later used to calculate the energy savings.

The overall feedback received from schools was positive and encouraging! The teachers highlighted that educational boxes will facilitate their work with the energy teams a lot. The students were really enthusiastic with the measuring devices, the posters and other material provided. The headmasters and teachers understood the 50/50 methodology and committed to engage all building users in the school’s efforts to save energy.