in Zahlen


Volks- und Mittelschulen aus


Europäischen Ländern setzen die 50/50-Merthode um

98 891

SchülerInnen und

7 038

Lehrkräfte bemühen sich in ihren Schulen


der Energie einzusparen


Europäische Städte und Gemeinden nutzen die 50/50-Tools,


nahmen an einer unserer Weiterbildungen teil


Gemeinden weiteten die Anwendung von 50/50 auf andere Gebäude aus


lokale Energiekonzepte und


Bildungspläne beinhalten die 50/50-Methode


Initiativen auf EU-Ebene unterstützen das 50/50-Netzwerk


Projektbeobachter verfolgen das Projekt und seine Fortschritte


lokale, regionale und nationale Regierungenwurden kontaktiert, um das 50/50-Konzept in ihre Aktionspläne aufzunehmen


Personen nahmen an 50/50-Veranstaltungen teil

Teachers and pupils from the Primary and Secondary School in Čáslavice (Vysočina region) consider it very important to ensure wide dissemination of the project and its continuation by the future pupils. Therefore one of the tasks of the energy team is forwarding energy knowledge and experience to their younger colleagues. Pupils from the ninth grade (15 years old), who graduate at the end of the school year, visit younger ones (about 10 years old), share experience gained within the EURONET 50/50 MAX project, explain activities of the energy team and demonstrate how the measuring devices work. At the end of this "lesson", they invite younger pupils to the energy team meeting. Pupils, who are interested in energy, come to visit and usually stay with the team. Sharing experience by the pupils under the supervision of the teachers, but without their involvement, is the best way of creating relationships and encouraging new pupils to join the project and become working on environmental issues. This practice supports independence of the pupils and raises their interest in the topic of energy efficiency. So first the project partner teaches and involves the teachers and the pupils, who then pass the baton to the new pupils, who weren't there at the beginning of the project.